Are We Taking Chances With Nuclear Waste?

Concerned citizens and scientists whose expertise is in nuclear power have refocused concerns about the US “practice of packing spent-fuel pools at power plants far beyond their capacity.”

Rod McCullum (director of the used-fuel programs for the Nuclear Energy Institute) says they think that it’s safe.

Oh, really?

According to some nuclear scientists in the US, we take more chances with our nuclear waste than was taken at the damaged Japanese plant.

Are you aware we have about 65,000 tons of nuclear waste spread across the United States at various facilities?  According to an article from Fox Business News, there were over 200,000 spent fuel rods in 2009, with the number growing every year.

Years ago the federal government promised to find safe storage for these used rods (which will remain radioactive for THOUSANDS of years).  But, as yet, that has not happened.  Our government is still debating the HOW and WHERE.

Are we surprised?  Have our scientists given our energy and profit hungry society a monster that we cannot kill, or even safely control?

The sort of problem that has threatened the life and quality of life of Japanese society can quickly become a WORLD-WIDE problem.  This is all the more reason that we must enthusiastically pray, “THY kingdom come” and prepare ourselves to be a part of God’s solution for mankind and a truly utopian society when Jesus Christ does appear.

For reference, check out a short article on the web:




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